Salem's Sanctuary is located in the mountains of WNC and provides lifelong care, love, and a safe haven for non-adoptable cats. We create a peaceful environment where these cats can live comfortably in safe spaces with everything they need to thrive. 

We also engage in TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release), we have an adoption program for friendly, adoptable cats that we find through our TNR efforts, and we partner with local vets to provide low-cost spay/neuter clinics across Western North Carolina.

Help us support our community cats and kittens in need

Low-Cost Cat Spay/Neuter Clinics

We work with local vets to provide low-cost cat spays/neuters to Western North Carolina residents in need. All cats are welcome, feral or friendly, whether they are in carriers or humane traps from any NC county.

With every spay/neuter, your cat will receive a pre-sedation physical examination (if your cat allows it!) and you may select add-on services including rabies vaccines, FVRCP vaccines, dewormer, microchips and more!

Complete the registration below and note your pickup date/time. Meet us at the pickup location with your cat in their carrier or humane trap at the designated time. We will provide transportation for them to the clinic, monitor them post-op, and bring them back to the pickup location that evening.

Detailed pre-op instructions will be provided before the appointment and post-op instructions provided at pickup.

*Note, if you have multiple cats to register, please select the desired number of appointments below under “Quantity” and separate each cat’s details with a comma on the registration form. You do not need to fill out a form for each cat.

Special accommodations and discounts may be available for people caring for small feral colonies. Please reach out to with a description of your situation including the colony size, number of kittens and approximate ages, and general location, and we will follow up with you to discuss options.